Blog Media Careers International Patients Eye Test
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Do you experience headaches, nausea, or vomiting? The individuals experiencing t...

Have you ever experienced fleeting moments where everything around you appears d...

In today’s world, humankind consistently encounters new and rare diseases,...

Countless individuals all around the globe experience visual refractive e­rrors...

Vision impairment is associated with multiple eye problems that pose serious cha...

Monday, 29 Nov 2021

Vitamins for the Eyes

We have all heard people saying carrots are good for your eyes, eat your colours...

Friday, 29 Oct 2021

What is 20/20 vision?

20/20 vision is a term used to express the sharpness or clarity of vision –......

“Brown-eyed men appear more trustworthy than blue eyed men”, Anthony read ou...

We have all had that one crazy friend whose histrionics are the stuff that legen...