Lasik Surgery


What is Lasik Surgery?

Laser-Assisted In-Situ Keratomileusis

Laser eye treatment as an option for eye power correction has been in vogue for over two decades now. The first laser vision correction was performed in Germany in the late 80s, and since then, there’ve been major advancements that have improved the quality of the surgery in terms of safety and precision. While laser eye treatment is primarily used for correcting refractive errors, laser technology has been put to good use in cataract and retinal treatments as well.

LASIK Surgery – An Overview 

LASIK (Laser-Assisted In Situ Keratomileusis) surgery revolutionised the field of refractive correction, offering millions of people worldwide an opportunity to attain clearer vision without the dependency on glasses or contact lenses. This innovative procedure involves using advanced laser technology to reshape the cornea, addressing common refractive errors like nearsightedness, farsightedness, and astigmatism. LASIK surgery is renowned for its precision, speed, and effectiveness, often resulting in rapid visual improvement and minimal discomfort. With its remarkable success rates and relatively quick recovery, LASIK continues to be a popular choice for those seeking freedom from visual aids and enhanced quality of life.

Laser Vision Correction – Get rid of your glasses

Laser vision correction is by far the best option to eliminate the dependency on glasses and contact lenses. The shape of your cornea attributes to your eye power. You could have myopia (short-sight), hypermetropia (long-sight) or astigmatism (blurry vision) depending on the point where the light from an object you see gets focussed inside your eyes.

During a laser vision correction surgery, the shape of your cornea is altered in such a way that light entering into the eye is focused at the right spot on the retina. This is a simple procedure and takes less than half an hour from start to finish. Also, you’ll be able to resume your normal life in just a few days.

Laser Vision Correction – Options

Laser vision correction has evolved rapidly over the last twenty years. LASIK is the most popular refractive error correction surgery and can rectify a power of -1D to -9D in myopia patients and up to +4D in hypermetropia patients.

In LASIK, a motorized blade is used to create a flap of the first two layers of the cornea, and a computer-controlled laser is used to reshape the inner layers. Intralase is a blade-free approach where a specialized laser is used to create this flap and then reshape it. ReLEx SMILE has come in as the next advancement and is bladeless and flapless with much faster recovery.

What are the Types of LASIK Surgery?

  • Microkeratome or Blade LASIK 

This is the traditional LASIK procedure where the corneal  flap is created using a microkeratome. The corneal tissue underneath the flap is then reshaped using an excimer laser to correct the refractive error.

  • Femto LASIK 

Also known as bladeless LASIK or all-laser LASIK, this procedure employs a femtosecond laser to create the corneal flap instead of a microkeratome blade. Femto LASIK is considered to have potentially fewer complications and more precise flap creation compared to blade LASIK.

  • Contoura Vision LASIK

Contoura Vision LASIK is an advanced form of custom LASIK that utilises topography-guided technology along with corneal wavefront data to create a highly personalised treatment plan. It aims to provide superior visual outcomes, especially in terms of night vision and contrast sensitivity.

  • SMILE (Small Incision Lenticule Extraction) 

While not technically LASIK, SMILE is a minimally invasive refractive surgery that corrects vision by creating a small, lens-shaped piece of tissue (lenticule) inside the cornea, which is then removed through a small incision. SMILE may offer advantages such as quicker recovery and reduced risk of dry eye compared to traditional LASIK.

These are the four main types of LASIK surgery, each with its own unique approach and potential benefits. Patients should discuss with their eye surgeon to determine the most suitable option based on their individual needs and eye conditions.

What are the Symptoms Indicating Refractive Errors That Can be Corrected by LASIK Surgery?

  • Blurred Vision 

Difficulty seeing objects clearly due to myopia, hypermetropia and Astigmatism.

  • Difficulty with Night Vision

Increased glare, halos, or difficulty seeing in low-light conditions, especially for those with higher levels of refractive error.

  • Eyestrain

Strain or discomfort in the eyes, particularly after prolonged periods of reading, computer use, or other visually demanding tasks.

  • Headaches

Some individuals may experience headaches, especially if they are squinting or straining to see clearly due to uncorrected refractive error.

  • Distorted Vision

Objects may appear distorted or misshapen, especially in individuals with astigmatism.

  • Squinting

People may find themselves squinting to try to see more clearly, particularly at a distance or in challenging lighting conditions.

  • Difficulty with Activities 

Difficulty performing certain activities, such as driving, playing sports, or reading, due to uncorrected refractive errors.

Benefits of LASIK Surgery

  • Improved vision without glasses or contacts.

  • Quick results, often experienced within days.

  • Reduced dependence on visual aids.

  • Enhanced quality of life and convenience.

  • Better peripheral vision and overall visual awareness.

  • Increased self-confidence and self-esteem.

  • Rapid recovery with minimal discomfort.

  • Long-lasting results, providing clear vision for years.

Why Choose Dr Agarwals Eye Hospital for LASIK Surgery?

  • Experienced Surgeons

Our team comprises highly skilled and experienced LASIK surgeons who have performed numerous successful procedures, ensuring you receive top-quality care and expertise.

  • State-of-the-Art Technology

At Dr Agarwals Eye Hospital, we utilise the latest and most advanced LASIK technology, to ensure optimal outcomes for our patients.

  • Personalised Care 

We understand that every patient is unique, which is why we provide personalised care tailored to your individual needs and concerns throughout every step of the LASIK journey, from consultation to post-operative follow-up.

Lasik Eye Surgery Procedure

  • Preoperative Preparation

Before your LASIK laser eye surgery, you’ll undergo a comprehensive eye examination to assess your candidacy for the procedure. Our team will discuss your medical history, perform corneal measurements, and address any questions or concerns you may have. You’ll also receive detailed instructions on how to prepare for surgery, including any necessary precautions and medication.

  • Surgical Process 

On the day of your LASIK procedure, you’ll be greeted by our friendly staff and made comfortable in our state-of-the-art facility. The surgery itself typically takes just a few minutes per eye and is performed under local anaesthesia. Our experienced surgeons will use advanced laser technology to create a corneal flap and reshape the underlying corneal tissue to correct your refractive error. Throughout the procedure, your safety and comfort are our top priorities.

  • Post-operative Care 

Following LASIK surgery, you’ll receive thorough instructions for post-operative care to ensure optimal healing and visual recovery. Our team will monitor your progress closely and schedule follow-up appointments to assess your vision and address any concerns. Most patients experience improved vision within days of surgery, with minimal discomfort and a rapid return to normal activities.

At Dr Agarwals Eye Hospital, we’re committed to providing exceptional LASIK surgery with the highest standards of care, expertise, and technology. Your journey to clearer vision starts here.



Does laser eye treatment or vision correction last a lifetime?

While the effects of a laser eye treatment (LASIK treatment surgery) are permanent, the benefits can decrease over time. However, for most patients, the results of LASIK surgery will last forever.

It is advisable to avoid undergoing the LASIK eye surgery procedure for patients on systemic medicines, preventing the complete recovery of the cornea. Other reasons for not performing laser eye operations on patients are systemic conditions. These are the diseases like diabetes or conditions wherein the collagen level in the body is not normal, for example, the Marfan syndrome. Also, if a patient cannot stare at a fixed object for a minimum of 60 seconds, the patient may not be a great candidate for LASIK eye surgery.

If you go for a LASIK surgery procedure, the doctor will require an initial baseline evaluation to determine if you are a suitable candidate for the laser eye operation.

It can take up to 6 months to completely recover from a laser eye operation. In this phase, you may need to visit your doctor for several aftercare appointments. There might also be blurriness in certain stages, but it’s normal.

In addition, it will take some amount of time for the eyes to settle post-surgery. Therefore, you must attend the aftercare appointments regularly to maintain the lifetime guarantee validity.

Blurred vision is common up to 6 months after the LASIK eye treatment, mainly because of the dryness of the eyes. It is best advised to use artificial tears at least once every hour and rest the eyes frequently to avoid dryness.

There is no age limit for LASIK, and the surgery depends on the eye health of the individual, in addition to the visual needs. Patients with no organic reason for vision loss, such as cataracts or other medical complications, can easily go for a LASIK surgery.

Immediately after LASIK treatment, the eyes may itch or burn or feel like something is stuck in the eye. There can be a certain level of discomfort and mild pain in some cases. The doctor may suggest a mild pain-relieving medicine for the same. The vision can be blurred or hazy.

Instilling numbing eye drops helps with the urge to blink in the patients during the laser eye treatment. A device is also used to keep the eyes open in times of need during the surgery

LASIK eye operation is not painful. Before starting the procedure, the surgeon will use numbing eyedrops for both your eyes. While there might be a feeling of pressure during the ongoing procedure, there will be no feeling of pain.

Laser eye operation for cataracts is a viable option since it helps rectify the refractive errors by reshaping the cornea using a laser. However, in cataract cases, LASIK will not correct the blurred vision caused by this disorder.

Some people have a blurred vision right from birth due to some congenital disabilities, while others have developed a blurred vision with time. In some cases, blurry vision can be rectified with the help of LASIK eye treatment or surgery.

In this type of procedure, the tissues of the corneal surface are removed from the corneal surface (front part of the eye), which helps maintain the effects for a lifetime and are, therefore, permanent. The surgery helps with the correction of refractive error and clarity of vision.

Contrary to public notion, LASIK is not a very costly treatment. It is imperative to keep in mind that laser eye surgery price can vary due to different factors like infrastructure, technology, equipment, ranging from Rs. 25000 to Rs. 100000.


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