Our eyes are a complex sensory organ, and our vision is one of the most valuable assets we possess. It is because of the eyes that we can see and experience our surroundings. However, any type of eye disorder may cause major inconveniences. This is why we must take care of our eyes.

There are many different types of eye disorders that may affect one’s vision. Therefore, regular eye check-up is important for the early diagnosis of the eye condition. Failing to do so can lead to permanent eye conditions or even blindness.

Eye disorders

Not many people know as much as they should about eye disorders. This article will take you through some of the most common type of eye disorders people suffer today.

List Of Eye Diseases and How They May Affect Your Vision


  • Glakoma

    Glakoma is an eye disorder caused by the pressure built inside the eyes, damaging the optic nerves        responsible for sending signals to the brain. If glaucoma is not detected at an early stage, it may cause permanent vision loss within a few years. People who suffer from this eye disorder do not experience any pain.

    It is difficult to detect the symptoms of glaucoma. However, in case you face any of the following problems, it would be in your best interest to consult an ophthalmologist immediately:

    –   Headache

    –   Eye Redness

    –   Tunnel vision

    –   Eye pain

    –   Vomiting or nausea

    –   Hazy eyes

    Eye disorders

  • Mtoto wa jicho

    It  is an eye condition in which the eye lens located behind the pupil and iris becomes cloudy. People above the age of 40 are quite susceptible to this eye disorder. In fact, mtoto wa jicho is the major cause of blindness in the world.

  • Retinopathy ya kisukari

    The elevated levels of blood sugar in diabetic patients make the blood vessels leak or swell, obstructing the flow of blood, which may cause loss of vision. Some of the symptoms of this Retinopathy ya kisukari:

    –   Blurred vision

    –   Poor night vision

    –   Washed out colours

    –   Visibility of dark areas in the field of vision

  • Astigmatism

    It is one of the eye disorders where there is imperfection in curvature of eyes. Almost everyone has this condition up to a certain degree. However, it does not interfere with the vision of your eye. But astigmatism might become a little severe in some instances. In that case, the light falling on the eyes does not bend properly, causing wavy or blurry vision. However, it can be cured easily with eye surgery or contact lenses or glasses.

  • Amblyopia

    Amblyopia is also referred to as lazy eyes. It is a pretty common type of vision impairment in children. In this condition, vision in one eye is diminished because the brain does not receive proper visual stimulation from eyes . It seems normal on the surface, but the brain tends to favour one eye (eye with better vision)

  • Corneal Abrasion

    Corneal Abrasion is one of the eye disorders which arises commonly when there is fall of foreign body in the eye. In such cases, if you rub your eyes to get rid of the particles, the dust may cause a scratch on your eyes. So, it is suggested that you do not rub your eyes too hard, poke them with your nails, or wear dirty contact lenses.

  • Macho Makavu

    Macho kavu are a very common eye disease. It occurs when your tears cannot properly lubricate your eyes. There can be many reasons behind the insufficient production of tears. The condition can be uncomfortable and may cause a burning or stinging sensation. It can also occur due to quick evaporation of tears also.

  • Kitengo cha Retina

    Kikosi cha retina is a serious eye disorder. It may happen if the retina at the back of our eyes gets detached from the surrounding tissue. Since the retina processes the light, a damaged retina can lead to permanent loss of vision if it is not treated on time. Unfortunately, there are often no symptoms for this eye disorder, but here are some of the changes that might lead to it:

    –   Flashes of light

    –   Visibility of a lot of floaters

    –   A poor side or peripheral vision

  • Age-Related Macular Degeneration (AMD)

    This eye disorder is caused by the deterioration of the macula, the central area of the retina that controls visual acuity. Here are some of the symptoms of this eye condition:

    –   Low contrast sensitivity

    –   Low visual acuity

    –   Visibility of distorted images in the centre

  • Ugonjwa wa Uveitis

    The term uveitis covers several eye conditions which primarily affect the uvea. It may lead to swelling and inflammation of the eye and destroys the tissues, causing poor vision or even blindness. Here are the several types of Uveitis:

    –   Anterior Uveitis: affects the front part of the eye.

    –   Intermediate Uveitis: affects the ciliary body.

    –   Posterior Uveitis: affects the back of the eye.

  • Hyphema

    Hyphema is a condition where blood accumulates at the front of the eyes. It is collected mostly between the iris and the cornea. Hyphema occurs when there is an injury that tears the blood vessels. An ophthalmologist must be consulted immediately, or this eye disorder may cause serious problems

Get Treatments at Dr Agarwal Eye Hospital

Eye conditions may be trivial or serious, but they all need timely attention and care. We at Dr Agarwal’s are best known for our innovative treatments and quality customer care. We have established eye centres across India and internationally.

Explore our website today to learn more about the eye disorder treatments we offer.