Blogu Vyombo vya habari Ajira Wagonjwa wa Kimataifa Mtihani wa Macho
Omba Kupigiwa Simu

Mtoto wa jicho ni nini?

An eye cataract forms when the lens of the eye becomes cloudy, making it harder to see clearly. The lens, which is normally clear, helps focus light on the retina to produce sharp vision. When it becomes cloudy, it can cause cataract symptoms like blurry vision, glare, and trouble with night driving. Although common in older adults, eye cataracts can also be caused by injuries, medical conditions, or prolonged UV exposure. Cataracts progress slowly but can be effectively treated with modern surgical techniques.

The Most Common Cataract Symptoms Include:

Cataract symptoms vary depending on the type and stage of the cataract. Common cataract signs and symptoms in the eye include:

  • Cloudy or Blurred Vision: Objects may appear fuzzy, and vision may feel foggy or unclear.
  • Sensitivity to Light and Glare: Bright sunlight, headlights, or even indoor lighting can cause discomfort and difficulty seeing.
  • Poor Night Vision: Difficulty seeing in low light or during nighttime activities, such as driving, is common.
  • Fading or Yellowed Colors: Colors may lose their vibrancy, appearing dull or washed out.
  • Halos Around Lights: Seeing halos or rings around bright lights, especially at night.
  • Double Vision in One Eye: Some patients report seeing double images due to the clouded lens.
Ikoni ya Macho

What are the Causes of Cataract?

There are several causes of cataract, with aging being the most common. Other factors that lead to the formation of cataracts include:

  • Uzee: Natural changes in the lens cause protein breakdown and cloudiness, resulting in cataracts.
  • Eye Injuries: Trauma to the eye can lead to cataract formation, either immediately or years later.
  • Family History: A family history of cataracts increases the risk.
  • Medical Conditions: Conditions like diabetes significantly increase the likelihood of developing cataracts.
  • UV Exposure: Prolonged exposure to ultraviolet rays without proper eye protection can damage the lens.
  • Steroid Use: Long-term use of corticosteroids can accelerate cataract formation.
  • Smoking and Alcohol: Both habits contribute to oxidative damage in the eye and increase the risk of cataracts.

Different Types of Cataract

There are 6 types of cataract commonly observed, each with its distinct characteristics:

Cortical cataracts form in the outer edges of the lens and gradually extend toward the center, causing vision issues like glare and halos.


An intumescent cataract involves the swelling of the lens due to fluid buildup, which often leads to sudden and severe vision loss if untreated.


Nuclear cataracts affect the central part of the lens and are common with aging. They can cause blurry vision and make distant objects hard to see.


This type forms at the back of the lens and progresses quickly, leading to glare and difficulty with tasks like reading. It is often linked to diabetes and steroid use.


Rosette cataracts usually develop after an eye injury, creating a star-like pattern in the lens.


A traumatic cataract results from an eye injury and can appear immediately or years after the trauma, affecting the clarity of vision.


Cataract Risk Factors

The risk of developing cataracts increases due to several factors. Common cataract risk factors include:

  • Uzee: The natural aging process is the leading cause of cataracts.
  • Jenetiki: A family history of cataracts can increase your likelihood of developing them.
  • Medical Conditions: Diabetes is a major risk factor due to its impact on eye health.
  • Prolonged UV Exposure: Without proper eye protection, UV light can damage the lens.
  • Smoking: Smoking introduces harmful chemicals that damage the eyes.
  • Obesity: Being overweight is linked to higher chances of cataracts.
  • Alcohol Consumption: Heavy alcohol use can contribute to cataract formation.

Jinsi ya Kuzuia Cataract ya Macho

While not all cases of cataracts can be prevented, adopting healthy habits can help delay their onset. Here’s how you can reduce your risk of developing eye cataract symptoms:

  • Wear UV-Protective Sunglasses: Protect your eyes from the harmful effects of ultraviolet light.
  • Dumisha Lishe yenye usawa: Include antioxidant-rich foods like leafy greens, carrots, and citrus fruits in your meals.
  • Quit Smoking: Smoking damages eye tissues and contributes to cataract formation.
  • Control Medical Conditions: Proper management of diabetes and other health issues can reduce the risk of cataracts.
  • Limit Alcohol Consumption: Reducing alcohol intake helps protect overall eye health.
  • Regular Eye Check-Ups: Routine eye exams allow for early detection and management of cataracts.

Post-Surgery Care and Recovery Tips

To ensure proper healing after cataract surgery, follow these tips:

  • Wear Protective Eyewear: Use goggles or wraparound glasses to protect your eyes from dust and sunlight during waking hours.

  • Use Prescribed Eye Drops: Follow the schedule recommended by your doctor to prevent infection and reduce inflammation.

  • Avoid Touching or Rubbing Your Eyes: This prevents irritation or the risk of infection.

  • Avoid Strenuous Activities: Refrain from heavy lifting or exercise for the first few weeks.

  • Attend Follow-Up Appointments: Regular check-ups ensure the eye is healing properly.

Most patients experience improved vision within a week, with full recovery in 4-6 weeks.

Types of Cataract Treatment

Cataract surgery is the most effective cataract treatment option It involves the removal of the cloudy lens and replacement with...


This advanced form of cataract treatment uses laser technology to perform precise incisions and break up the cloudy lens Laser-assisted...


Maswali Yanayoulizwa Mara Kwa Mara (Maswali Yanayoulizwa Mara Kwa Mara) kuhusu Cataract

Je, ni tiba gani ya mtoto wa jicho?

Kabla ya kuharakisha kuponya mtoto wa jicho au matibabu ya kutibu mtoto wa jicho, hebu kwanza tuelewe ufafanuzi wa kimsingi wa mtoto wa jicho. Kwa maneno rahisi, mawingu ya lenzi wazi ya jicho kawaida hujulikana kama mtoto wa jicho. Ingawa upasuaji ndio suluhisho pekee la kutibu mtoto wa jicho, huenda mtu asiuhitaji mara moja. Hapo chini tumetaja baadhi ya njia nyingi za kutibu ugonjwa wa jicho:

  1. Anwani au Miwani Mpya: Maagizo mapya ya lenzi au miwani ya macho yanaweza kumsaidia mtu kuona vyema katika hatua ya awali ya mtoto wa jicho.
  2. Matibabu ya nyumbani: Njia bora ya kutibu ishara na dalili za cataract ni kuwasiliana na ophthalmologist. Walakini, kwa wakati huu, mtu anaweza kufanya mabadiliko madogo ili kudhibiti dalili za ugonjwa wa jicho:
  • Jaribu kutumia lenses angavu kazini na nyumbani
  • Jaribu kutumia miwani ya kukuza uso kwa usomaji na shughuli zingine za kila siku
  • Wekeza katika miwani ya jua ya kuzuia kuwaka
  1. Upasuaji: Ikiwa jicho lako la jicho linazuia shughuli zako za kila siku kama vile kuendesha gari, kusoma, kutazama televisheni, n.k. daktari wako anaweza kukupendekezea upasuaji ambapo atabadilisha lenzi yenye mawingu na kuweka IOL bandia.

Moja ya sababu kubwa au sababu za mtoto wa jicho ni kuumia au kuzeeka. Katika visa vyote viwili, kuna mabadiliko katika tishu zinazounda mtoto wa jicho kwenye lenzi ya jicho. Nyuzinyuzi na protini kwenye lenzi huanza kuvunjika na kusababisha uoni wa mawingu au wa giza.

Matatizo ya kimaumbile au ya asili yanaweza pia kuongeza hatari ya kupata mtoto wa jicho. Kwa kuongezea, magonjwa mengine mengi ya macho yanaweza pia kusababisha ugonjwa wa jicho kama ugonjwa wa kisukari, upasuaji wa macho wa zamani, matumizi ya steroids au dawa kali.

Ni bora kutibu ugonjwa wa jicho katika hatua za mwanzo au itakuwa mbaya zaidi baada ya muda, na kuathiri maono ya mtu. Walakini, ikiwa mtu anaamua kungojea kwa muda mrefu sana, kuna uwezekano mkubwa kwamba mtoto wa jicho anaweza kukomaa sana.

Hii inafanya mtoto wa jicho kuwa mkaidi zaidi na vigumu kuondoa, na kusababisha matatizo katika upasuaji. Kwa hiyo, mara tu unapoona dalili za cataract, wasiliana na ophthalmologist kufanyiwa upasuaji ambao ni salama na unaofaa.

Kimsingi, jicho la jicho linaweza kugawanywa katika aina tatu ambazo ni, cataracts ya nyuma ya subcapsular, cataracts ya cortical, na cataract ya sclerotic ya nyuklia. Ili kupata ufahamu wa kina na wa kina, wacha tuyachunguze moja baada ya nyingine:

  • Ugonjwa wa nyuklia wa sclerotic

Hii ni aina ya kawaida ya mtoto wa jicho ambayo huanza na ugumu wa taratibu na njano ya eneo la msingi ambalo pia hujulikana kama kiini. Katika ugonjwa wa jicho la nyuklia, uwezo wa jicho wa kuzingatia uoni wa karibu unaweza kuboreka kwa muda mfupi lakini si wa kudumu.


  • Mto wa Cortical

Aina hii ya mtoto wa jicho huunda kwenye gamba na polepole huenea kutoka nje hadi katikati ya lenzi. Katika baadhi ya matukio, wakati mwanga unaingia kwenye jicho, hutawanya na kusababisha mwangaza, uoni hafifu, mapokezi ya kina, na zaidi. Pia, linapokuja suala la mtoto wa jicho la cortical, wagonjwa wa kisukari wako kwenye hatari kubwa ya kuipata.


  • Mito ya Nyuma ya Subcapsular


Aina hii ya mtoto wa jicho huathiri uwezo wa kuona na usomaji wa mtu usiku. Huanza kama eneo dogo la mawingu kwenye uso wa nyuma au nyuma ya lenzi. Zaidi ya hayo, kwa vile huunda chini ya capsule ya lenzi inajulikana kama cataract ya subcapsular.

Upasuaji wa jicho la Cataract ni taratibu za wagonjwa wa nje ambapo daktari wa upasuaji huondoa kwa ustadi lenzi iliyofunikwa na macho na kuibadilisha na lenzi safi, bandia au IOL. Walakini, linapokuja suala la kuchagua lensi hizi za bandia, mgonjwa anaweza kuchagua kutoka kwa anuwai tofauti kulingana na mahitaji yao, faraja na urahisi.

Gharama ya upasuaji wa mtoto wa jicho inategemea mpango wako wa bima ya afya na chaguo la lenzi unalochagua. Kawaida, upasuaji wa jicho la jicho hufunikwa katika mipango mingi, hata hivyo, chaguzi za lenzi zinaweza kuwa gharama ya ziada ambayo utalazimika kulipa.


Ili kupata maarifa bora zaidi kuhusu gharama ya jumla au upasuaji wa mtoto wa jicho, tunapendekeza uwasiliane nasi kupitia simu au barua pepe ili uweke miadi yako mapema zaidi.


Usipuuze shida ya macho!

Sasa unaweza kufikia madaktari wetu wakuu kwa kuweka nafasi ya mashauriano ya video mtandaoni au miadi ya hospitali

Weka miadi sasa

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